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Report a Claim
Is this an emergency? If yes, please contact our 24-hour helpline on 0818 01 01 01 or on 00353 1 858 3200 if you are calling from outside Ireland
About the incident
  • What happened?

    Please provide a brief description of what happened.

  • Third-party details

    What is a third-party?

    A third-party refers someone other than you (the insured) or AXA (the insurer) who is involved in, or impacted by, an incident leading to a claim.

    As the insurer, we need to know if there was anyone else (e.g. another driver, pedestrian, cyclist, etc.) or anyone else's property (e.g. parked cars, garden walls) involved in this incident.

Your details
  • Contact time

    Please note our claims office opening hours are 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-4pm Saturday. We regret we cannot return calls outside of these hours.

    If you need to speak to someone urgently please call us on 0818 01 01 01.

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