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AXA Car Insurance

Car insurance assumptions

We make certain assumptions about you and your car in order to provide you with a quote. If you decide to take a policy with us, you will be required to explicitly confirm these assumptions are true.

Your car must:
  • be owned by and registered to you and/or your spouse/civil partner
  • be first registered in Ireland or the UK
  • be right hand drive
  • have never been modified beyond the manufacturer's specification. Modifications may be performance enhancing, cosmetic and/or effect the safety of the vehicle
  • not be a commercial vehicle
  • be purchased within the last 30 days, where you have no previous insurance in your own name
  • UK registered cars will need to be registered in Ireland within 30 days of going on cover.

You and any person(s) driving the car:
  • You or any person(s) driving the car do not have any health or fitness condition or use any medication or drugs that must be notified to the Driving Licence Authorities as part of a driving licence application.
  • You or any person(s) driving the car have not previously been refused or declined motor insurance
  • You or any person(s) driving the car have not previously had special terms imposed on a motor policy
  • You or any person(s) driving the car have not previously had a motor policy cancelled by an Insurer (including cancellation due to non-payment of an insurance premium)
  • You or any person(s) driving the car do not have 6 or more penalty points.

In the last 10 years you, or any person(s) driving the vehicle, have not:
  • Been convicted of a motoring offence or received any criminal conviction relating to motor vehicles
  • Had any prosecution pending relating to motor vehicles other than penalty points
  • Been disqualified from driving or obtaining a licence

About You:
  • You are the main driver of the vehicle
  • Your No Claims Discount was earned in either Ireland or the UK
  • You have lived in Ireland or the UK for 3 years or more

For policies with additional drivers under 25:
  • The proposer's (i.e. person taking out the policy) claims-free driving experience must have been earned on the car being insured.

Where your most recent insurance was as a Named Driver, your experience must:
  • be within the last 90 days

Where your most recent insurance was on a company car, your experience must:
  • have been full-time and exclusive use
  • now be cancelled and you must no longer have use of the company car

Non Disclosure Warning

You are under a duty to tell us all facts likely to influence how we assess and if we accept your proposal. If you do not, we may cancel your policy, declare the contract to be void and refuse to pay any claim under the policy as well as any other rights we may have under the policy. It is your own interest to mention these facts. If you are in any doubt whether certain facts are important, please ask us.

Submission of forged or altered documents (such as proof of bonus or driver licence) is a criminal offence under the Theft and Fraud Offence Act 2001. AXA Insurance will report fraudulent documents to the Gardaí, void your policy from inception and refuse any claims made under the policy.

Before completing your quote, you must ensure that you have any drivers consent to our use and sharing of any personal/sensitive data. We also strongly recommend you read our Terms of Business and our Online Car Insurance Policy Summary.

AXA considers that protecting personal information is very important and we recognise that you have an interest in how we collect, use and share such information. We strongly recommend that you carefully read the enclosed Data Protection Notice and Privacy Statement, which outlines how we use and protect your information.

How we value your vehicle

In the event that our AXA Motor Engineer deems your vehicle a total loss i.e. it is beyond economical repair, our AXA Motor Engineer will base the value of your vehicle on what it was worth prior to the accident.

Our AXA Motor Engineer will research this value by using current Motor Trade publications. These are as follows:-

  • 1) Irish Car Sales websites
  • 2) Local SIMI (Society Of Irish Motor Industry) Car Sales Dealers

Once we have agreed the value with you, we will take ownership of your vehicle